Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Hockey Sweater Challenge

As we await Game 6 tonight of the Canadiens - Tampa Bay playoff series, I figure now is as good a time to launch my Hockey Sweater Challenge, to help raise money for my participation in the Drop Zone Challenges in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal.

This challenge was actually inspired by the friendly wagers mayors of Montreal and Ottawa had during Round 1 of the playoffs this year.  Having grown up in Montreal, the Canadiens are my team.  Always have been...always will be....which made me a popular guy as I wheeled around the streets of Ottawa, where I now live, rocking my Canadiens jacket.

I remember the first time I was at the old Forum.  It was actually for a wrestling match, and while I can't necessarily remember who was on the card that night, what does come to mind is the feeling of walking through the Canadiens bench and touching the bar behind the bench, as our seats were right behind what would have been the Canadiens bench.  (Thank you Ronald Cory for giving me your seat...which I guess tells you how long ok this was.)

While Ottawa may be my second favorite team, growing up in Montreal, I have to admit I have...at times...been a little hard on the Toronto Maple Leafs...and maybe...just maybe...have poked fun of them.  I think the best way I could sum up my feelings for the Maple Leafs would be with Roch Carrier's clasic, The Hockey Sweater.  (If you never heard it or watched it, it is a great little story.)


The Challenge
So there has been a lot of trash talk over the playoffs as to who has the classiest fans.  So here is the hockey sweater challenge.  As mentioned above, I will be celebrating my 40th birthday by participating in the Drop Zone Challenge in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal to raise money for Easter Seals and send a child with special needs to summer camp.  Whichever city I raise the most money in, I will rappel wearing that city's team jersey in all three cities.  Let the generosity and fun begin and #GoHabsGo!

To donate, click on the city in which you would like to donate:

Montreal               Ottawa               Toronto

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