Over the last little while, I have noticed a growing trend that in addition to the U.N. International Day of People with Disabilities, there are stand alone days of awareness for a variety of disabilities. I can appreciate that every disability has its own challenges, but why just one day? For example, March 21st was World Down Syndrome Day. It was the occassion for people to post memes on Facebook and declare how beautiful every life is, such as:
March 25th was National Cerebal Palsy Day, and April 2nd is Autism Day. There is even a day for rare diseases/disorders. All these days are good and create awareness. However, my question is does it really bring us closer to a world where people with disabilities are fully accepted and included in society? If every life is beautiful, why are there still countries where children with Down Syndrome are placed in orphanages?
Admittedly, maybe the answer is to start with one day. However, here is to hoping that we will get to a time when people with disabilities will not be accepted and celenrated for their beauty just one day a year.
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